About Jude Thilman

Jude Thilman brings 15 years’ experience in the cannabis industry and 35 years working in public media education to her activism on behalf of traditional cannabis medicine, culture, and Mendocino’s legacy community. She owns Dragonfly™ Wellness Center, a holistic healing center on the Mendocino Coast, and operates Creative Change Productions, a non-profit dedicated to public education on the values and policies shaping the new legal world of medicinal cannabis.

What about hemp?

2021-01-21T20:30:38-08:00By |

Propylene glycol can cause skin irritations; is potentially toxic to the kidneys and liver; is not safe for pregnant women or infants; can produce neurological symptoms, cardiovascular problems, and respiratory issues.

A New Location Makes Dragonfly a Clean and Gorgeous Place — for YOU

2021-01-20T20:14:35-08:00By |

When a group of women got together to start a holistic healing center in December 2011, little did they know, that Dragonfly Wellness Center™ would become a community resource for people seeking pure and potent cannabis medicines. But finding a place to create their vision of a holistic healing center was not so easy.

Dosing Your Medicine, Part 2

2024-08-01T20:27:50-07:00By |

Cannabis (medical marijuana) is an ancient herb, with its healing effects recorded over 5,000 years ago. Over 93% of its chemical compounds have no psychotropic effect. Cannabis is simply an herb, not a drug. Herbs are gentle, natural compounds that prompt your body’s own healing processes to address the illness, condition or “dis-ease” you are experiencing.

Dosing Your Medicine, Part 1

2024-04-12T02:25:00-07:00By |

With herbal medicine, more than any other health care treatment, the patient needs to be in charge of her dose. The rule of dosing all herbal medicine, cannabis included, is that it is individuated. One person’s dose may not work for the next person, even if they are both treating the same condition.