Dragonflyer | Summer/Fall 2013

2020-12-03T03:59:34-08:00By |

Over 100 people worked together in Sacramento on August 12th to educate and influence state legislators on behalf of medical marijuana and its inevitable legaliza-tion. Who will shape state medical marijuana policy? What will the “tax and regu-late” look like? The answers to these questions will in [...]

Dragonflyer | Fall 2012

2017-05-23T22:33:36-07:00By |

Where can you get an Acupuncture treatment for $15 – $40 sliding scale? And where can you find an introductory rate of $60 for an hour of deep tissue, make-you-feel-like-new, full body massage ? Belly Dance, Yoga or T’ai Chi for $10? How about a free Digestion Clinic — a check on whether you are getting the most out of your food?