About Jude Thilman

Jude Thilman brings 15 years’ experience in the cannabis industry and 35 years working in public media education to her activism on behalf of traditional cannabis medicine, culture, and Mendocino’s legacy community. She owns Dragonfly™ Wellness Center, a holistic healing center on the Mendocino Coast, and operates Creative Change Productions, a non-profit dedicated to public education on the values and policies shaping the new legal world of medicinal cannabis.

Dragonflyer | Summer/Fall 2013

2020-12-03T03:59:34-08:00By |

Over 100 people worked together in Sacramento on August 12th to educate and influence state legislators on behalf of medical marijuana and its inevitable legaliza-tion. Who will shape state medical marijuana policy? What will the “tax and regu-late” look like? The answers to these questions will in [...]

Dragonflyer | Fall 2012

2017-05-23T22:33:36-07:00By |

Where can you get an Acupuncture treatment for $15 – $40 sliding scale? And where can you find an introductory rate of $60 for an hour of deep tissue, make-you-feel-like-new, full body massage ? Belly Dance, Yoga or T’ai Chi for $10? How about a free Digestion Clinic — a check on whether you are getting the most out of your food?

Dragonflyer | May/June 2012

2017-05-23T22:33:36-07:00By |

Dragonfly Wellness Center is off to a Dragon-flying start! Encouraged by an overwhelmingly positive community response, we are growing by leaps and bounds: we now have a yoga class on Wednesdays 6—7:30 pm and Sundays 9:30—11:00 am. Massages and lymphatic treatments are happening and popular.