About Jude Thilman

Jude Thilman brings 15 years’ experience in the cannabis industry and 35 years working in public media education to her activism on behalf of traditional cannabis medicine, culture, and Mendocino’s legacy community. She owns Dragonfly™ Wellness Center, a holistic healing center on the Mendocino Coast, and operates Creative Change Productions, a non-profit dedicated to public education on the values and policies shaping the new legal world of medicinal cannabis.

Herbs and Medicinals

2021-01-21T01:25:17-08:00By |

CBD medicine doesn’t get you high. But it does decrease tumor size, relieve pain — especially neuropathic pain — and serves as a major natural anti-inflammatory, helping treat many conditions rooted in inflammation including heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, and others. CBD medicines come in many forms: tinctures, juice, capsules, salves, ointments, candies.